Telela Kebede was born in the Kenyan town of Siolo on November 12, 1931. She returned home with her family when she was four years old.
Chella Kebede, like every other student at the time, learned to read the alphabet at Dita Diba, an Italian school in Addis Ababa. Then there’s George School, and then there’s Doctor Workeneh Municipal School: Finally, until the fifth grade, Mission Lazarist attended the modern Century School.
She began her career as a vocalist at the present National Theater when she was 15 years old. She left the army in 1982 after 32 years of service because she disagreed with Derg cadres.
She has fought for democracy, justice, and equality since she was a child. In the neighborhood: Sheila Kebede, her most popular coworker, who never gave up on her cause; when justice is done, do not hold back;
she is a real citizen and heroine who despises prostitution and keeps her word.
In 1967, she and six other musicians were detained for four months and six days by Derg cadres. She was restricted from roaming around Addis Ababa for two years after being released on bail by a military court. Do not travel beyond Nazareth; she was exiled.
Professor Asrat was one of 1,500 persons imprisoned outside the courthouse during the T-TPLF trial on September 10, 1987, to demand justice and speak out. They were beaten and had their hair shaved on that day. After an apology, 1,000 people were released.
They’ve been able to deal with a lot of public pressure as well as outside influence. She took part in a rally organized by Alternative Forces and the whole Amhara Meskel Square three months after her release.
She has been a fervent supporter of the EPRDF since her emigration to North America many years ago. Kebede, Vocal Shelter, Kebede, Vocal Shelter, Kebede, Vocal Shelter, Ke She raised a huge family as the mother and grandmother of seven children.
She died on November 13, 2014, in Maryland, North America, where she had lived in exile for 83 years and was receiving medical care for her sickness. May the deceased’s soul learn, and may the entire family of friends, relatives, and admirers find solace!